Results & Export
1. Results
You can view in table form the results of all the analyses performed.
Select the specific wells you'd like to compare, then click 'Results'. If no wells are selected, all wells for that project will be displayed when you click 'Results'.

1.1 Custom
In this section you can view the results of the following analyses:
- Decline Curve Analysis.
- BHP.
- Multiphase Flowing Material Balance.
- Recovery Factor Analysis.
- Classical RTA.
- Fractional RTA.
- Numerical RTA.
- Numerical Model.
- Simple Material Balance.
- Fluid Data at Initial Reservoir Conditions.
- Surface Gravities.

You must have run the analysis to be able to see the results in the table.
1.2 Liquid Loading
In this section you can view the results related to the liquid loading calculations.
- Gas Rate Information: Current gas rate, current gas lift injection rate, and current total gas rate.
- Critical Rate Information: Turner critical rate, Coleman critical rate, Nagoo critical rate, and Belfroid critical rate.
- Comparison of LL Rate vs Current Total Gas Rate: Turner, Coleman, Nagoo and Belfroid.
- % (Current Total Rate - LL Rate)/LL Rate: Turner %, Coleman%, Nagoo % and Belfriod %.

1.3 Gas Lift Optimizer
In this section you can view the results related to the Gas Lift Optimization.
- Maximum Oil Rate.
- Current Oil Rate.
- Oil Rate Uplift.
- Oil Uplift / Gas Lift Rate Change.
- Gas Lift at Max. Rate.
- Current Gas Lift.
- Gas Lift Rate Change.
- Minimun Rate to Lift.
- Gas Lift Gradient.

2. Export
This option allows you to export the input data and the results of different analyses in an Excel file.

2.1 Well Information Data
You can export the following input data and analysis results to an Excel file for each selected well and all associated scenarios.
- Well Information.
- Reservoir Properties.
- Completion Metrics.
- Decline Curve Analysis.
- BHP.
- pRi from IPR.
- Multiphase Flowing Material Balance.
- Recovery Factor Analysis.
- Classical RTA.
- Fractional RTA.
- Numerical RTA.
- Numerical Model.
- Simple Material Balance.
- Fluid Data at Initial Reservoir Conditions.
- Surface Gravities.
- Fluid Composition.

2.2 BHP and Production Data
You can export the following data related to production and bottomhole pressure calculations to an Excel file.
- Measured Pwf, Gauge.
- Custom Pwf.
- Beggs & Brill results.
- Hagedorn & Brown results.
- Woldesemayat & Ghajar results.
- Gray results.
- Tubing and Casing Pressures.
- Rates.
- Gas Lift Rate.
- Liquid Level.
- Line Pressure.
- Choke Size.

2.3 Single-well DCA Cases
You can export all the information related to the DCA parameters used and the corresponding results for all the saved cases to an Excel file.

To be able to export the results, you need to save the cases in the DCA module.
2.4 DCA
Export DCA results for the selected saved case to PowerPoint, Excel, ARIES, or MOSAIC format.

2.4.1 Power Point
You are able to export all the relevant data from the DCA, including the input parameters, calculated volumes, and graphical representations of the results for each phase and the selected wells.

2.4.2 Excel
You can export the DCA results in Excel format for the selected saved case by choosing one of the following options:
- Fit Start Date: Initial flow rate, qi, and the decline rate, dsec_i, is provided at the fit start day.
- End of Prod: Initial flow rate, qi, and the decline rate, dsec_i, is converted to the end of produced history.
- Daily Rates: Export a maximum of 1,000,000 rows of data for each fluid.
- Monthly Rates: Export a maximum of 1,000,000 rows of data for each fluid.

2.4.3 ARIES
You can export the DCA results in ARIES format for the selected saved case by choosing one of the following options:
- Fit Start Date: Initial flow rate, qi, and the decline rate, dsec_i, is provided at the fit start day.
- End of Prod: Initial flow rate, qi, and the decline rate, dsec_i, is converted to the end of produced history.

2.4.4 MOSAIC
Option to export DCA results in MOSAIC format for the selected saved case.

2.5 NGL Calculations
Option to export the results of the NGL Calculations.