Mass upload
whitson+ supports mass upload functionality from flat files from:
- whitson+ template
- Enerdeq
- DrillingInfo
- GeoScout
- AccuMap
- Novi Labs
- CSV (for production data only)
- PhDWin

1. whitson+ Template
Here are a few different examples of use of the "Mass Upload" feature:
- Download 11 Eagle Ford wells from the SPE Data Repository here.
- Download 15 Haynesville wells from the SPE Data Repository here.
- Download 27 Marcellus wells from the SPE Data Repository here.
- Download 2 different wells for demo purposes here.
Make sure to not change the headers in the mass upload template and make sure to fill in all mandatory columns. Also, avoid adding in additional columns and sheets.
1.1. Mass Upload Feature
On the Wells page within the project, click Mass Upload (on the top-right of the page) to get started with bulk loading wells into whitson+

The Mass Upload templates are designed to load a large number of new wells to any project in one go. It can also be used to update existing wells in the project with additional production data.
You can download the latest mass upload template here.

The Mass Upload template has the following sheets:
Well Data (Required). Main well information and inputs such as well header information, reservoir properties, completion metrics, location, etc., that populate this section.
Production Data (Optional). All the production data for the well that populates the section below goes here.
Deviation Survey Data (Optional). Input Deviation survey as MD-TVD which populates this section.
Wellbore Data (Optional). Input wellbore configurations like Top and Bottom Perforations which populates this section.
The mass upload dialog box also has the following options for what needs to be done if the well already exists:
Nothing is the default behavior, where an error will be shown if a well is being uploaded with the same name as an existing well in the same project.
Merge will merge the data being uploaded with whatever data is already present.
If the same date in production data is present in the existing production data and the data being uploaded, the uploaded data will be used otherwise it will just append to existing production data. Merge can also be used to add wellbore / deviation survey data to a set of already existing wells.
Overwrite will replace (overwrite) existing data with the data being uploaded. This feature applied to all data input such as well information data, production data, deviation survey data, wellbore data.
1.2. Custom Attributes
Users can create custom attributes to be added to the well information page in whitson+. The first thing users need to do is to create these attributes first for all wells in the software. Steps for creating custom attributes can be seen on the gif below.

Then, users can put these custom attributes with their values in any columns in the Well Data sheet of the Excel template. The attribute name created on the Excel template must be exact the same with the Attribute Name created on the software. Make sure to choose Input as the Attribute Value when the Attribute Type are Date and Number.
For example in the gif above, the Attribute Name is Custom A, then the same name should be used on the Excel template.

We recommend to create custom attributes in the whitson+ first and then create that on the Excel template before upload it.
1.3. Multiple Gas Lift Valve Upload
whitson+ mass upload template provides an effective way to upload multiple gas lift (GL) configurations for multiple wells at a single time. Whenever users activate the Lift Method as a Gas Lift with configuration as Valves in the software, it will automatically takes the GL data input from the Gas Lift Valve Data sheet, such as Date, MD, PSO, and PSC.

The "Use from Date" data input in the figure above should be synchronized with the date on the Wellbore Data configuration.
1.4. Tips Using whitson+ Template
General Tips
- Do not rename any of the existing columns or sheets.
Here are sheets you would use in the mass upload template to initialize a well depending on how you would like to initialize PVT. Some sheets are hidden by default, but you can unhide them on Excel to see them all.
- The Well Data sheet is used to initialize a Well and PVT using GOR only method.
- The Well Data (Sep Compositions) is used to initialize a Well and PVT using separator compositions.
- The Well Data (Full Compositions) is used to initialize a Well and PVT using full compositions.
- The Well Data (Dry Gas) is used to initialize a Well and PVT using dry gas compositions.
- The Well Data (Dry Gas simplified) is used to initialize a Well and PVT using the only the dry gas specific gravity (simplified input).
All wells need to be appeared at only once in at least one of the sheets above to be read fully.
If the well exists in other sheets like Production Data, etc., but is not initialized in at least one of the ways above, the well will not be uploaded with a relevant error message. -
The Well Name used in the Well Data sheet is considered the primary key to tie data from the different sheets together, make sure to use the same well name in other sheets as well.
- Wells with duplicates in Production Date will be highlighted in the error message and will not be uploaded.
- Do not use blanks for MD or TVD in Deviation Survey sheet since they are assumed to be zero.
- In the Wellbore Data sheet,
- Wellbore configurations are optional on the Wellbore Data sheet but if you do include them in the upload, make sure to have the Top and Bottom perforations in the sheet.
- Fields with preset options are 'Flowpath' which is used to indicate production path of the reservoir fluid, 'Lift Method' to specify the Artificial Lift method used, and the 'Gas Lift Configuration' where we can specify the type of gas lift. Values other than the preset options are not recognized.
- If you are specifying a Rock Temperature in this sheet, this is not the reservoir temperature but is instead the rock temperature at the surface to create a linear temperature profile in the rock. Setting this to reservoir temperature causes the BHP calculation to fail.
- Other logical checks in every wellbore configuration - End of the last casing section must be deeper than the top perforation depth, the tubing bottom MD must be less than or equal to top perforation depth, and the tubing OD can never be larger than the Casing ID.
Tips Using Merge
This mode is primarily designed and used to add production data and other information to an existing well on whitson+.
- Be sure to use the same Well Name as on whitson+
- For updating the production data, you can add the new data to the Production-Data sheet with the rest of the sheets blank. New data is appended to the production history and if there is a conflict because the date already exists, the new data is used to overwrite. No duplicates will be allowed here as well.
- You can also update or add to the configurations by using the Wellbore Data sheet. New wellbore configurations with new 'Use from date' will be appended to the existing configurations. To replace an already existing wellbore configuration with the new one, use the same 'Use from date' as the already existing one and to replace the default configuration in the well (the first one) leave the 'Use from date' empty to override the default.
If you need help with any errors using mass upload files, we are trying to build relevant error messages and checks making the process more bullet-proof, so shoot an email to and we'll be happy to take a look and help!
2. Enerdeq

Download the Well Completion List and Monthly Production for a group of wells in Enerdeq by following the steps above. Unzip the downloaded folder on your computer, and drag-and-drop, the files into the frontend.
Here is an example of well attributes and well production data in Enerdeq format.
3. Enverus - PRISM

- Select "Wells" in "Exports".
- Use the default exports (DO NOT create a custom template)
- Click "EXPORT DATA".
- Repeat the same steps for "Production".
Here are the examples:
- Well Monthly Production file example can be found here.
- Well Headers file example can be found here.
Enverus export has "PerfInterval_FT" and "LateralLength_FT" columns? Which one is used for well lateral length?
The PerfInterval_FT is imported as the lateral length to be used. LateralLength_FT will be used if PerfInterval_FT is blank. If both fields are blank, the default lateral length (5280 ft) will be used.
4. Enverus - DrillingInfo

Download the relevant Enverus - DrillingInfo file by following the steps above.
- Select "Wells" in "Exports"
- Select "Well Headers" and "Well Monthly Production"
- Enter Filename & E-mail
Here are the examples:
- Well Monthly Production file example can be found here.
- Well Headers file example can be found here.
5. GeoLogic - GeoScout

- Example of Merak (.mer) from GeoScout can be found here.
- Example of .csv file from GeoScout can be found here.
It is recommended to use the Merak file. If you use the .csv file ensure that you select the following data items
- Unique Well ID
- Well Name
- Pool Name
- Production Begin Date
- Production End Date
Prod Data
- PRD Calndr-Day Avg OIL Bbl/Day
- PRD Calndr-Day Avg CND Bbl/Day
- PRD Calndr-Day Avg GAS Mcf/Day
- PRD Calndr-Day Avg WTR Bbl/Day
6. AccuMap

AccuMap has no standarized export, but you can create a template as exemplified above that can be imported directly into whitson+.
- Example of a .xslx file from AccuMap can be found here.
7. Novi Labs
There are three tables in Novi Labs exports, 'Wells' (header), 'Production' and 'Forecast Segments'. The production includes forecasted volumes. Forecast segments contains arps/exponential/zero segments for forecasted volumes.
To export, follow these steps:
- Filter to your wells of interest.
- Hit the 'Download' button in the top-right corner.
- Name your export. Select the data you want to export.
- Hit 'Export'. You'll then receive an email with the download link in 0-15 minutes, depending on the size.

8. CSV
Use the CSV template to upload only production data.

Production data for New Wells: Use the CSV template to upload production for new wells. In 'What to do with existing production with the same date?', choose the 'nothing' option. This will create new wells using the production data you provide. All other input fields will be populated with default values.
Production data for Existing Wells: Use the CSV template to update or add new production data to existing wells. In 'What to do with existing production with the same date?', choose the 'merge' option. This will append the new production data to the existing well's history. If there is a conflict because the date already exists, the new data will overwrite the existing record.
Example of a .csv file can be found here.
9.1 Exporting ARIES forecasts from the ARIES database

Important Regarding ARIES Ratio Forecasting
Right now whitson+ does not support ratio forecasting, hence importing a ratio (e.g. 'GAS/OIL' or 'WTR/OIL') from ARIES will not work properly. If a ratio is used, whitson+ will assume a constant ratio and use the primary phase DCA parameters to obtain the parameter for the secondary stream.
Example 1
If your ARIES expression is
WTR/OIL 1.35200 1.35200 B/B TO LIFE LOG TIME
A constant water oil ratio of 1.352 STB/STB is assumed.
Example 2
If your ARIES expression is
A constant GOR of 1600 scf/STB is assumed.
We're working on including ratio forecasting in whitson+.
To import ARIES DCA forecasts into whitson+ from the AC_ECONOMICS table, please follow the steps below.
Filter the AC_ECONOMICS Table:
- Ensure the AC_ECONOMICS table is filtered to include only records with SECTION equal to 4.
- Select the relevant QUALIFIER for your forecast. Only one QUALIFIER should be used for the import.
Upload Requirements:
- The import process assumes that there is only one forecast per PROPNUM for each phase.
- Verify that each PROPNUM entry in the table corresponds to a single forecast.
This is how a properly formatted example looks like.

- Example of a .xslx file of an AC_ECONOMICS file can be found here.

- If START_DATE is referring a value in the master table AC_PROPERTY with '@M.START_DATE', the AC_PROPERTY table also must be uploaded for appropriate upload of the START_DATE.
- Providing this table is optional. If the table is not provided, all unreadable START_DATES will default to the earliest date in the well's historical data.
By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure a smooth and accurate import of forecasts into whitson+.
9.2 Exporting ARIES forecasts from ARIES
You can export the declines from ARIES in a .txt format, directly from Aries frontend (in case access to the Aries database is not possible), like so -
Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:
Upload the .txt file to whitson using Mass Upload --> ARIES. Be sure to check "Use .txt file" to upload all the well declines from ARIES into whitson.
You can apply an appropriate "Forecast Name" that will save all the imported declines within this file in the saved cases for the relevant wells with that name.


To export DCA ARPS parameters from MOSAIC.
- Open a Workbench of desired project > Select Data > File Exports > Export ARPS Forecasts…
- Filter on Workbench, the Reserve Category or cases to be exported.
- Define destination for export, select Entity State (Approved, Working, Pending or Vintage), and type of Vintage (if selected… e.g., year)
To import MOSAIC DCA forecasts into whitson+, upload the standard MOSAIC DCA export.
This is how the standard MOSAIC export example looks like.

- Example of a .xslx file of an MOSAIC file can be found here.
11. PhDWin
To export DCA forecasts from PhDWin.

Click on the Reports and Views menu, choose the 'Projection Edit' option for reports, and then click the 'Run' button to generate the file.

To import PhDWin DCA forecasts into whitson+, go the wells page, select the 'Mass upload' option, choose the 'PHDWIN' format, and upload the file.

12. PAS files

Purpose: This option processes .PAS files, specifically those marked with 'PRD', to extract flowback data typically recorded at hourly intervals. It is designed to handle PAS files that contain separator rates (oil, gas and water), separator conditions (temperature and pressure) and tubing/casing pressure. The PAS files are standardized by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER).
Data Assumptions: Separator Rates, Tubing, and Casing Pressure: These metrics are expected to be present in the DTSUM table within the PAS file. Separator Conditions: These metrics are expected to be found in the DTGAS table within the PAS file.
Example of a PAS file can be found here.
whitson+ only supports PAS files encoded in UTF-8.
13. Examples
Sample datasets are available for download directly from the software.

- 11 Eagle Ford wells from the SPE Data Repository.
- 15 Haynesville wells from the SPE Data Repository.
- 27 Marcellus wells from the SPE Data Repository.
- 2 different wells for demo purposes.
- 3 whitson+ Certificate wells.
14. WellDatabase

There is a whitson+ export in WellDatabase that can be used out of the box in the whitson+ mass upload.