Well Test Certificate
Complete the steps outlined below to become a Well Test certified whitson+ user. It includes performing two analyses - a chow pressure group (CPG) test and a diagnostic fracture injection test (DFIT). You can learn more about the respective tests in the manual where we cover most of the theoretical fundamentals -
Those certified have the software skills necessary to complete most CPG and DFIT evaluation projects in tight unconventionals.
Need help?
Send an e-mail to support@whitson.com.
Before Starting
Make sure you have watched these three videos in the Getting Started part of the manual (click here).
- 1.1 Login (1 min)
- 1.2 Overview of important basics (3 min 30 sec)
- 1.3 Zoom Plots (3 min)
Create a Project
- Go to the Project module in the navigation panel.
- Click ADD PROJECT up to the right.
- Name the project "your name - whitson certificate".
- Click SAVE.
- All steps are shown in the .gif above.
Upload Required Data
You can download the files required for each test individually and upload using the mass upload dialog box on the wells page, as shown in the sections below.
Alternatively, all the data required for this exercise has been bundled into a mass upload file, ready to be uploaded, in the Mass Upload -> Examples section.
CPG Workflow in whitson+
Here is an example dataset to try it for yourself!
Download the CPG Example Dataset here
The data is already in the supported mass upload template. Upload the same in using the mass upload dialog box in your project, like so -
You can analyze the Chow Pressure Group for the monitoring well in whiston+ by navigating to the Chow Pressure Group feature under Well Testing.
On the Pressure Difference plot on the top-left:
Move the CPG fit line (yellow, dashed line) to match the pressure data prior to the production well POP date. You can adjust the slope by:
- Manually moving the fit line on the plot (grab the line at the ends to adjust),
- Changing the Constant and Exponent of the power-law fit line directly in the input, or
- Lasso fit the pressure data prior to POP using the lasso tool to auto-adjust the fit line.
Adjust the dashed vertical line along the monitoring well data to the date and time when offset production well is POP.
- The difference in these CPG fit and the data is plotted along with it's derivative as \(\Delta p, \Delta p'\) vs. time (bottom-right). Observe the changes in this plot as the Fit line is changed.
On the \(\Delta p, \Delta p'\) vs. time plot (bottom-right):
Bourdet Derivative and Weighted Central Difference give you the additional option to modify the smoothing window as a log cycle fraction or a step size respectively. Both these methods are higher in accuracy compared to simply using the Central Difference with a fixed step size.
Notice how switching between the different methods and window sizes in the GIF below changes the derivative shape and hence, impacts the CPG values calculated.
Use the integral icon ('Plot Integral') in the plot options to recalculate the pressure as an integral and recompute the derivative based on the derivative function selected above. You can also use the LOWESS filter toggle with an appropriate smoothing window in log cycles to smooth noisy pressure data.
These methods inherently smooths the pressure response, and removes additional noise that may be a part of the dataset to create a much smoother derivative and CPG plot. Since the pressure integral is already smooth, a smaller window size can be used for derivative calculation.
Lastly, on the Chow Pressure Group plot, you can set the final CPG value in three ways -
- Move the horizontal dashed line to track the average of the CPG values after POP date.
- You can also adjust it by entering a value for CPG fit.
- You can also select the CPG based on the slope in \(\Delta p\).
This is the CPG value that indicates the level of interference between the production well and the monitoring well:
DFIT Workflow in whitson+
Before getting started -
Data, data and more data:
DFIT datasets could be far higher frequency than needed.
Datasets can vary from second by second frequency to tens of seconds for the entirety of the test. This can be harder to handle, and make the numerical derivative calculation unweildy.
Instead of uploading such high resolution data, the recommended practice -
Smooth the dataset externally by resampling the data in terms of pressure increments of 5 to 10 psi. Note that there is a further reduction using pressure increments of 30 psi in the DFIT feature to improve speed for dynamic calculations too.
Using Mass Upload sheets to get your DFIT data into whitson+ -
Add a well name to the Well Data sheet, you do not need to enter anything else in this sheet.
Use the same well name in the Production Data sheet to add DFIT data to the well -
Key information required: Pressure (bottomhole) vs time
Time can be in - Days or DateTime like 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.000'. Smallest resolution is 1 millisecond.
Pressure (in psia) vs time data - If only wellhead pressure is available, use the hydrostatic head of water at TVD to correct to bottomhole depth. Enter these in the pwf or Gauge Pressure column.
Injection rate (in STB/d) vs time data (if available) Enter these in the qw or Water Rate column on the mass upload Production Data sheet.
Additional required information - that cannot be uploaded via mass upload template.
Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, reservoir fluid viscosity and compressibility.
We also need the estimated fracture height for the assumption of PKN fracture geometry.
You can enter all this information in the DFIT feature under 'Physical Assumptions'.
DFIT dataset example
Here's an example DFIT dataset formatted to be uploaded via the standard mass upload template -
Example DFIT Dataset
Courtesy: MCclure et. al, Resfrac
Choices/Assumptions that need to be made -
- Choose the preclosure method of choice (G-function and H-function with Radial and PKN fractures) - recommended to go with H-function method with radial fracture geometry.
- Choose the postclosure method of choice based on late time impulse flow signatures (linear/radial flow) - Note that the preclosure assumption on fracture geometry also auto-applies to the post closure analysis.
Some notes on automated selections in the software
These preliminary steps are done automatically, you may still need to review these selections -
- Shut in is detected automatically - from zero rate - Instantaneous ISIP is identified as the pressure right after the well is shut in.
- Initial pressure, Pw,init is chosen as the first point in the pressure data.
- Cumulative injection volume, and maximum sustained injection rate upto the shut in time (characteristic rate), is calculated from the plot. Injection duration is autocomputed from the two above.
- Slope in the pressure vs cumulative injection (Wellbore storage plot) is detected to calculate the wellbore storage. If rate data is unavailable, just enter the values cumulative injected volume, maximum sustained rate, and wellbore storage.
- Pore pressure is calculated automatically by extrapolating the post closure linear transient (default) on the inverse square root time plot.
Key Steps to perform an analysis of a DFIT -
Upload the downloaded template with the DFIT dataset in the mass upload section of the project.
Navigate to the DFIT feature under the Well Testing section.
Review the automatic selection of parameters from the plots, i.e. Literal ISIP, initial pressure, injected volume, characteristic rate, wellbore storage coefficient, minimum dP/dG. Enter the additional parameters relevant for the calculation, i.e. Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, reservoir fluid viscosity and compressibility.
Dropdowns for preclosure method and post closure methods allow you to switch between the different methods as well as fracture geometry assumption. Selection of frac geometry (Radial/PKN) in preclosure methods enforces the same geometry assumption in postclosure methods. Note that PKN fractures will need fracture height as an additional input.
G function plot picks - Identify point of dP/dG minimum. Identify point of G*dP/dG maximum. This automatically computes the effective ISIP, Fracture Contact Pressure and Minimum Principal Stress and are used in subsequent calculations for permeability. The resolved values could be overwritten.
Identify if the late time shut in data has post closure transients - Linear flow will have a half-slope signature and radial flow (rare, beware of false radial signatures in gas wells) will have a unit slope signature. Add the interpretation lines if needed and switch the plot (to the right) to impulse radial flow plot by clicking the 'plot radial' button. Align the slope to the pressure points near x=0 and let that extrapolate to calculate the pore pressure.
Calculation should dynamically run when any of the inputs are changed to compute permeability. If you have reliable post closure transients, use the permeability estimates from the postclosure analysis. Correct preclosure permeability estimates by about 1.5 since they statistically tend to overestimate the permeability.
Want to learn more?
Schedule a Well Test session with one of our engineers. Contact support@whitson.com.
When you are done analyzing your Well Tests please:
- Send an e-mail to certification@whitson.com
- Make the subject: "whitson+ Well Test certificate: [YOUR NAME HERE]".
- Include the link to your project.
- If you have any notes, comments, or observations related to the well, feel free to share them with us. Also feedback on the user friendliness of the software is always appreciated.
After that we'll provide some feedback on your evaluation and issue your whitson+ certificate if all looks good.