\(k_{rg}\)/\(k_{ro}\) Tracking

In this module, the ratio of relative permeability of gas (\(k_{rg}\)) to relative permeability of oil (\(k_{ro}\)) is calculated daily.
\(\frac{k_\mathrm{rg}}{k_\mathrm{rg}} = \frac{R_p-R_s}{R_p r_s} \frac{\mu_g B_{gd}}{\mu_o B_o}\)
\(R_p\) is producing GOR, \(R_s\) is solution GOR, \(r_s\) is solution CGR, \(\mu_o\) is oil viscosity, \(\mu_g\) is gas viscosity, \(B_o\) is oil formation volume factor and \(B_gd\) is dry gas formation volume factor. All PVT properties are evaluated at the flowing bottomhole pressure, p_\mathrm{wf}, for a specific day.