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Simulated PVT Study

In this module, a simulated PVT study, equivalent to the PVT study / PVT report that is obtained from a PVT laboratory is generated with readily available data. The data required for generating the simulated PVT study is:

  • Fluid definition
    • Initial reservoir fluid composition (generated with any of the available methods)
    • Surface process associated to the well (used to generate the black oil table)
  • Initial reservoir pressure
  • Reservoir temperature

The following experiments will be simulated depending on the saturation pressure type of the defined fluid:

Experiment Bubblepoint Dewpoint
Single Stage Flash (SSF) X X
Constant Composition Expansion (CCE) X X
Differential Depletion Experiment (DLE) X
Constant Volume Depletion (CVD) X X
Multi-Stage Separator Test (MST) X X
Viscosity Expirement -DLE (VISC) X

Single Stage Flash Experiments

It is common for the PVT lab to use a higher temperature for the SSF mainly to ensure that the stock tank oil is thermally stable at room temperature. Single stage flash experiments at this higher temperature (140 F = 60 C) are provided with the simulated PVT study, together with the "standard" SSF experiment where the fluid is directly flashed to 60 F.

Viscosity Experiments

The standard viscosity experiment performed by PVT labs is following a differential liberation expansion (DLE) type of depletion. That is why the experiment is called "Viscosity Experiment - DLE". In the simulated PVT study, viscosities are also provided when the fluid is subject to other types of depletion, so the oil viscosity can be found in the CCE and CVD experiments.

Export to Excel

The export to Excel provides a detailed PVT study / report in a similar format to the one provided by commerical PVT laboratories. Inside the Excel file, the data for all the experiments is provided, including: - Released gas (at each stage) and residual oil compositions for the depletion experiments, e.g. CVD, DLE - Released gas (at each stage) and stock tank oil compositions for separator tests, e.g. MSF and SSF

Export to PDF

In the Excel file, go to the first tab called "Print PDF" and click on the button in the sheet to convert the PVT report to PDF. Macros should be enabled in the workbook to do this. The report is then generated in PDF format and can be printed into A4 paper.